
How To Stop Period Pain Forever? Tips That Will Change Your Life!!

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Are you going through the ordeal of period pains and like to Stop Period Pain Forever? Sometimes it can be quite painful and cause muscle cramps in your tummy. You may feel the pain in your back and thighs as well. At times, it even leads to intense spasms.

Having said that, the pain also varies with each period.

You might have gone through periods that caused little or no discomfort and others where it was really painful. However, research reveals that a majority of women go through that excruciating experience of period pain.

In an online survey conducted among 43000 girls and women, 85% suffered from painful cramping, 77% showed signs of mood disorders and 71% experienced tiredness or exhaustion.

How Can I Stop Period Pain Forever?

Are you desperately in need of a solution to get rid of that nagging period of pain forever?. Yes, there are several tips and techniques which can help you treat or get relief from period pain. 

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However, to eliminate period pain forever, you can try out different treatments or home care remedies. Once you find permanent relief, you can go with that option.

Especially, if you are suffering from period pain that occurs because of an underlying health condition, the aforementioned method works out to be most effective. In the further sections, we will discuss ‌the various treatment options and home remedies that will help you bid goodbye to period pains forever.

What Causes Periods To Hurt?

Let’s find out the reason that causes periods to hurt.

During the period of your monthly menstrual cycle, the lining of your uterus, also known as endometrium, thickens. It helps pregnancy to occur. Periods or menstruation happens as a result of your body shedding this lining when there is no pregnancy.

For this lining to shed, your uterine muscles tighten and relax in a pattern that is irregular. Post this movement, your uterine lining will detach, letting it pass through the cervix and flow out through the vagina.

It is the contraction of the uterine muscles that causes discomfort for you. It takes the form of mild to extremely painful cramping. The pain experienced during periods is known as dysmenorrhea. Another reason for period pains is the underlying health conditions. People who undergo treatment for these conditions have benefitted from lesser period pains or complete relief.

Is It Good To Have Painless Periods?

Are you concerned about the missing pain during periods? No worries. As per health experts, it’s absolutely normal to have no pain during periods. 

At the same time, having unusual or severe cramping or pain could be a symptom of a serious health issue. The pain and cramping may be due to underlying health issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), uterine fibroids, or endometriosis. Some women make the mistake of ignoring these warnings, assuming that it is quite normal. In such cases, it is always better to consult a doctor for an expert opinion.

Why Is The First Day Of The Period So Painful?

The most common type of period pain is called primary dysmenorrhoea. It starts from your first period or the immediate years. This pain is not caused because of any underlying condition.

The pain experienced during primary dysmenorrhoea has a regular pattern and it starts just before or at the beginning of the period. Though it lasts for 1 to 3 days, the most severe pain is experienced during the first or the second day. This pain is usually felt in the lower abdomen (belly), but it can also affect your thighs and the lower back.  

The gripping pain that you experience during primary dysmenorrhoea is caused due to prostaglandins, the natural compounds generated in your body. It is the presence of prostaglandins that cause the contractions of the uterus (womb) muscles. This muscle contraction leads to the shedding of the uterus lining, which later takes the form of menstrual fluid.

During periods, these contractions are stronger, and the blood flow will be lower. In primary dysmenorrhoea, higher levels of prostaglandins will be generated, making the contractions stronger and more painful.

How can I have a painless period?

Here are some tried and tested tips to bring down the pain during periods.

  • Use a heating pad – A heating pad provides a soothing effect to your abdomen muscles and offers great relief from the pain. Also, try using a herbal relief patch, which is the ideal product for summers.
  • Have proper exercise – An exercise like cycling, yoga or even walking can cause endorphins to be released from your body. It relieves tension from the muscles and uplifts your mood. 

Treatments That Could Stop Period Pain Forever

Doctors suggest several clinical treatments to stop period pain forever. However, a medication that works out for someone else may not work out for you. The reason is simple. Depending on the human body, the effects of medication also vary. First, let’s check out the medications that offer you permanent relief from period pain.


1. Medication – Hormonal contraception is one of the widely used medications. It comes in different forms, such as injections, oral tablets, and inserted devices.

Of these, oral contraceptives work by making use of hormones to stop the ovaries from releasing an egg. Oral contraceptives generally come in two different forms.

The first one is a combined contraceptive pill. They contain two hormones, i.e. estrogen and progesterone. These hormones play an important role in the menstrual cycle. The second one is the Progesterone-only pill that contains only progesterone. For those who cannot take a combined pill, doctors generally prescribe a Progesterone-only pill. Both forms of oral contraceptives are effective and it is recommended to take them every day.

Progestin devices

2. Progestin devices – Progestin is nothing but a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone. Progestin-only devices are available in the market in different forms. The first one is the Intrauterine devices (IUDs) which are T-shaped devices. Medical professionals insert them into your uterus and the life of the device is nearly 3 to 5 years. The second one is an implantable rod. Doctors place these rods just under the skin of your arm. These rods help prevent pregnancy and need to be replaced every 3 to 5 years. The third type of progestin device is a contraceptive injection that you need to take once every 3 months.

Exercises And Diet

Apart from the treatments discussed above, exercise and diets can offer you much-needed relief from period pain.

1. Exercises – Here are some exercises that help you relieve period cramps.

👉Low back and glute stretch – While doing this exercise, you will move your outer hips, abdominals, ribs, and back. It aids in relieving the tightness that forms in your muscle due to period cramping and bloating.

👉 Kneeling abdominal twist – When you experience heavy bleeding, cramping, or premenstrual syndrome, kneeling abdominal twist relaxes the hip and pelvic areas.

👉 Shift back arm rotation – When you perform this exercise, it enhances the blood flow to your ribs and abdominals. It offers great relief from bloating or abdominal cramping.

👉 Glute bridge – While doing this exercise, your body will be in a relatively inverted position. This leads to enhanced blood flow in the pelvis and lower abdomen areas where you feel more pressure.

2. Diet – To your diet, add foods that are rich in fiber and good fat. Stay away from packaged foods and include foods that contain lots of vitamins. Also consume nuts, green leafy vegetables, and essential oils that keep your stomach full. Having herbal tea, chamomile, green, or ginger tea can also be quite soothing for your abdominal muscles. Hydrating yourself by having lots of water is another effective technique to reduce period pain.

Home Remedies To Stop Period Pain

Have you ever tried out the below home remedies to prevent period pain?

1. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications – If you are suffering from menstrual pain and heavy menstrual bleeding, then try nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve). They are available over-the-counter in medical stores.

2. Massage using essential oils – A 20 minutes massage therapy can be quite effective. Here the therapist presses specific points on your body areas such as the abdomen, side, and back. For massage therapy, use essential oils such as lavender, rose, peppermint, and fennel.

3. An orgasm too can help – According to science, your whole body, including the spinal code, is involved in vaginal orgasm. It results in the release of neurotransmitters such as endorphins and oxytocin that can reduce pain.

4. Change your diet – Stay away from fatty and salty foods, carbonated beverages, alcohol, and caffeine. Try out herbal remedies such as chamomile tea, fennel seeds, cinnamon, French maritime pine bark extract, and dill that help relieve muscle contraction.

When To Consult A Doctor For Period Pain?

You might be used to the normal pain associated with monthly periods. However, there are certain scenarios where you need to consult a doctor. They are:

👉When it is too painful and you encounter other health issues, such as excessive bleeding or fever. You might feel that it is worse than what you have experienced in the past.

👉When you notice the periods are getting heavier over a period of time, i.e. 2 or 3 months.

👉Even after taking pain killers the pain still persists and radiates into your back or down the leg.

What Is The Reason Why Your Period Ends Faster?

If you keep a track of your periods, you might have noticed that your period ends faster than normal. It can happen due to various reasons, such as

Birth control – Using birth control measures such as pills, rings, injections, or intrauterine devices (IUDs) can affect the duration of your period or cause amenorrhea (absence of a period).

Pregnancy – If you are not aware of your pregnancy, then you might mistake implantation bleeding as period. Implantation bleeding takes place when the embryo first burrows into the uterus. It generally happens around 10-14 days after conceiving a baby. However, it will be lighter than menstrual bleeding. An ectopic pregnancy can also lead to a change in periods.

Miscarriage – Miscarriage can cause disruption of hormones and the result will be a change in periods during and post-miscarriage.

The other common factors that cause shorter periods are breastfeeding, stress and perimenopause.

At which Age Periods Will Stop?

Menopause is a phenomenon indicating that your menstrual cycles are coming to an end. It is diagnosed when you don’t experience a menstrual period for 12 months.

You may experience menopause in your forties or fifties, but in the United States of America, the average age is 51. Though it is a natural biological process, menopause may show physical symptoms such as hot flashes. You may also come across several emotional symptoms such as disruption of sleep, reduced energy levels, or affecting your emotional health.

Is Chocolate Helpful For Period Cramps?

For some people, chocolates provide great relief from period pains. According to studies, dark chocolate, in particular, may be effective in reducing cramps and the pain associated with periods. Several research reports show that milk chocolates only led to mild improvements in those suffering from menstrual pain, whereas dark chocolate showed the best improvement.

What Does Lemon Do For Your Period?

Lemon or lime juice plays a role in controlling your menstruation. High in acidic content, it delays your period. Consume lime juice just before your period. It not only pushes your period but also causes the flow to become lighter. A major benefit includes relief from discomfort during your periods.

What Can A Boyfriend Do To Help His Girlfriend With Period Pain?

A boyfriend can indeed be of great help to his girlfriend during period pain. A comforting hug or a nice massage can be a big relief for her. The other effective techniques are a back-rub and a foot massage. If the girlfriend likes it, the best thing a boyfriend can do is to let her sit on his lap and cuddle. During the summer, he needs to make sure that the Air conditioner is switched on.

The Reason Why Cramps Happen After Your Period

Now, let’s check out the reason why you suffer from cramps after your period. At times, after your period has ended, some amount of blood will be left in your uterus. Due to this reason, the uterus contracts to eject the excess blood. These contractions finally result in cramping and the release of old blood also causes brown or black spotting.


With the tips discussed above, keeping period pain at bay is quite easy now. Starting from home remedies to medical treatments, we have covered pretty much all areas in this blog. However, it purely depends on how your body responds to various tips and techniques. For some people, exercise makes a lot of difference, whereas for others it will be altering their food habits. Thus, the best approach would be to figure out which option offers you the best relief. Wish you all the best in your efforts against managing period pain.

Dr. Edward Zelman

Dr. Edward Zelman

Dr. Edward Zelman works as a Neurologist with the expertise of over 15 years, helping more than thousands to get back in complete health through his research-proven treatments. He earned his Masters from Harvard University and completed his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Dr. Edward Zelman is one of the notable names in the medical industry for his work in pain management, chronic disorder, and so on. He is also a former faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). At present, Dr. Edward Zelman is researching safe and effective natural remedies that can restore as well as maintain the youthful functioning of the body.

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