Ketamines For Pain, Benefits, And Risks – How To Try It?

Ketamines For Pain, Benefits, And Risks - How To Try It

Ketamine is an anesthesia medicine commonly used by medical practitioners and veterinarians. The Federal  Drug Administration has legalised it as an anesthetic in 1970. Ketamine is a drug that produces feelings of unreality but also has many potential health benefits.

The use of ketamine has both benefits and risks. Its most significant benefit is that it can be used as an effective treatment for depression and anxiety. In addition, due to its fast-acting nature and low risk of lasting impairment, it has been used to successfully treat chronic pain, migraines, and PTSD.

Is Taking Ketamine Risky?

Like all medications and substances, there are risks involved when taking ketamine. It can cause a variety of short-term side effects, including confusion, delusions, paranoia, and impaired judgment. If taken in large doses or over an extended period of time, it can also cause long-term effects such as depression and addiction.

Is Taking Ketamine Risky

It is important to discuss any and all medications with your doctor before use. If you are considering using ketamine as a treatment, it is imperative that you speak with your doctor first to ensure that it is a safe choice for your body and medication. Let’s take a look at some benefits and health risks associated with ketamine.

What Is Ketamine?

Ketamine is an anesthetic that works by binding the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor in the brain to block glutamate. Actually, it is a novel compound that is highly tolerable when compared to other drugs. Ketamine is derived from PCP and when used, it induces a state of dissociative anesthesia. It is mainly used for medical purposes such as:


Ketamine is most commonly used for giving anesthesia before surgical procedures. It acts entirely differently from other anesthetics on the circulatory and respiratory systems of your body. Rather than suppressing your respiratory system like other anesthetics, ketamine stimulates both the circulatory and respiratory processes of your body. Ketamine can be used as a sedative drug in emergency situations and even helps to rescue people at high risk of hypertension.


As like anesthetic properties, ketamine also has sedative properties and is used for acute pain treatment. When it is used for pain relief, the doses are lower than those used for anesthetic purposes. It can be used to get relief from severe post-operative pain and even for opioid-tolerant patients. Since it is effective in relieving pain and has a low risk of respiratory depression, it has been commonly used in the prehospital setting. 


Apart from the anesthetic, sedative, and analgesic properties, Ketamine also has anti-depressant properties. It acts fastly on your body and improves your mood within 4 hours. Other conventional pharmacotherapy takes several weeks while Ketamine takes just a few hours. Studies have found that taking ketamine improves anxiety, depression, and several other mental illnesses within 2 weeks.   

Potential Benefits Of Ketamine

Ketamine helps to improve both your mental and physical health. Now it is used to treat depression and suicidal thoughts. Some of the benefits offered by Ketamine are:

Potential Benefits Of Ketamine
  • It helps to relieve and reduce the pain associated with surgical procedures
  • Ketamine treats the mental health conditions like depression and anxiety
  • Scientists have proven that Ketamine has a significant effect on your breathing rate and blood pressure rate.
  • Treat various chronic pain syndromes and neuropathic pain states.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties and shows long-term analgesic effects.
  • Ketamine can be used as a maintenance agent for sedation 
  • Fast-acting and low risk of lasting impairment
  • Successfully treats chronic pain, migraines, and PTSD
  • Can provide relief from severe and chronic pain when conventional medications fail or when side effects are intolerable
  • Can be used to improve mood and cognitive function

How Does Ketamine Work In The Body?

Ketamine induces various effects in your body that are important to improve the symptoms related to depression, anxiety, and other stress disorders. It activates numerous brain receptors and pathways throughout your body and it can aid in the treatment of mood disorders, PTSD, suicidal ideation, and anxiety. It works by stimulating the brain’s receptors. Actually, Ketamines are NMDA receptor antagonist that binds to NMDA receptors and prevents the binding of glutamate. This NMDA receptor antagonist thus prevents the release of calcium into your nerve cells. 

How Does Ketamine Work In The Body

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors are antinociceptive and have a significant effect on the development of tolerance to opioid analgesics. They are a family of L-glutamate receptors and have an important role in learning and memory. Ketamine is a powerful, fast-acting, and relatively low-risk medication that can provide relief from both depression and anxiety as well as relief from chronic and severe pain when other conventional medications have failed or are causing intolerable side effects. It can effectively treat chronic pain, migraines, and PTSD, and can also be used to improve mood and cognitive functioning. 

Furthermore, ketamine can be used to treat chronic pain disorders that may have been resistant to other forms of medication. This is because the action of ketamine on the brain can reduce pain sensitivity and reactivity while normalizing the body’s response to pain signals. When used properly, ketamine can be an effective form of treatment for chronic pain and discomfort due to its ability to cause sedation and provide symptom 

Ketamine works by blocking the receptors of glutamate, an important neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for maintaining calmness and alertness. This helps to reduce pain signals and can also increase feelings of relaxation, euphoria, and calming effects. It can also be used as an anesthetic to reduce or even eliminate feelings of pain. Because of its powerful effects, it is important to understand the risks associated with its misuse or overuse and to take appropriate precautions when using ketamine.

Final Words

Ketamine has the potential to bring a sense of peace and calm to those who suffer from depression and anxiety, allowing them the opportunity to gain back their mental clarity and joy in life. It can improve mood, reduce irritability and negative thinking, and provide relief from physical pain and discomfort. As ketamine is fast-acting and of low risk for lasting impairment, it can provide quick and effective relief from depression and anxiety without long-term side effects. 

Dr. Elizabeth Novello

Dr. Elizabeth Novello

Dr. Elizabeth Novello specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nervous system.  Her clients range across diverse age groups and she works closely with patients to develop a personalized treatment plan that takes into account the individual's medical history and the underlying cause of their pain. Dr. Elizabeth Novello also performs procedures such as lumbar punctures or nerve conduction studies. In addition to diagnosing and treating specific conditions, she focuses on helping patients manage chronic conditions and providing support for patients and their families.

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