NeuroRise Reviews: [UltimateTruth Unveiled] Does NeuroRise Supplement Really Work?

This NeuroRise review helps you to get more in-depth information on a recently launched ear health supplement. NeuroRise pill which is formulated with a blend of natural ingredients, has been clinically proven to improve hearing function, reduce hearing loss, and promote overall auditory health.

NeuroRise Reviews: How Does NeuroRise Help People With Hearing, Ear Health, And Tinnitus?

With a combination of Hawthorn, Vitamin E, Niacin, Ginkgo leaf, Saw Palmetto, and a range of essential vitamins and minerals, the NeuroRise hearing support formula seems to be a legitimate solution for anyone who wants to protect and improve their hearing function. Most of the NeuroRise customer reviews and comments are positive and claim that the supplement is effective in preventing all ear-related issues.



NeuroRise hearing support formula comes in the form of capsules and it is non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly. A bottle of NeuroRise contains 60 capsules, required for a month’s consumption.

Overall Rating

4.5 out of 5






2 capsules




Side Effects

Side Effects

No major

Money Back


60 Days

To check whether all these claims are legit or are just some marketing tactics by the company behind the supplement, we need to conduct in-depth research on the formula behind the Neurorise. So to find the legitimacy behind Neurorise, I have gone through its official website, spoken to the Neurorise users and analyzed their results, and collected some scientific evidence behind the formula.

Read this NeuroRise review as it provides a keen insight into the Neurorise supplement, its benefits, working, pricing, and availability. So it will be helpful for you to decide whether purchasing Neurorise is the right decision or not. 

NeuroRise review
Supplement NameNeuroRise
Used ForEnhances hearing support
Supplement FormCapsules
NeuroRise dosage2 capsules per day in the morning
Health benefits-Supports hearing health
-Protects against oxidative stress

-Improves blood circulation
-Enhances cognitive functions
-Improve nerve function
NeuroRise ingredients-Hawthorn
-Muira Puama
-Asian Ginseng
-Saw Palmetto
-Oat straw
Results Expected2-3 months
NeuroRise unit count60 capsules
Side EffectsNot yet reported
Purity Standards-Non-GMO

NeuroRise price30-day supply – $69 per bottle + shipping fee
90-day supply – $59 per bottle, free shipping
180-day supply – $49 per bottle, free shipping
AvailabilityOnly Through The Official Website
NeuroRise official websiteCLICK HERE

What Is NeuroRise?

NeuroRise ear health supplement is an all-natural dietary formula that helps supports healthy hearing and reduce the risk of hearing loss and brain-related abnormalities.

The formula is backed by a combination of natural ingredients, vitamins, and minerals that synergically work to provide support to your auditory system. It also improves your cognitive health and does not contain any kind of additives and chemicals that harm your health.

The supplement has been manufactured in a GMP-certified facility following all FDA guidelines and instructions. So the manufacturer uses highly raw materials and ingredients sourced from different parts of the world to maximize the performance of the NeuroRise pills.

NeuroRise Supplement

Check Out The OFFICIAL WEBSITE Of NeuroRise Ear Support Formula HERE!!!

NeuroRise Supplement Ingredients: What’s On The Inside NeuroRise?

The key ingredients included in the NeuroRise ear health supplement work together to reduce the risk of hearing loss, tinnitus, and other ear-related issues.

The antioxidants and vitamins present in the supplement help protect your inner ear from oxidative stress which helps prevent damage to the hair cells in the cochlea. Poor blood flow to the inner ear may affect the sensory cells inside your inner ear

Discounts On NeuroRise

Limited time discounts only for painpathways readers.

These delicate sensory hair cells are responsible for converting sound signals into electrical signals (the form in which the brain can decode). NeuroRise pills contain essential minerals required for the proper functioning of the auditory system and nerves connected to the auditory system.

Taking NeuroRise capsules regularly also helps regulate the flow of calcium and improves calcium imbalance in the inner ear and reduces mental complications.  

Analyse NeuroRise Natural Supplement Ingredients

NeuroRise pills have been formulated after 8 years of research and studies by scientists. It contains clinically proven ingredients that are natural and plant-based. Some of the key ingredients included in the NeuroRise supplement are mentioned in the NeuRorise review

NeuroRise supplement ingredients
  • Hawthorn: Hawthorn has been widely used for traditional medicinal purposes because of its therapeutic properties. Scientific studies suggest that Hawthorn has specific benefits that improve your ear health. The extract of Hawthorn berry can improve blood circulation to the inner ear cells and thus provide protection against any damage caused due to free radicals and oxidative stress. 
  • Damiana: It is a natural herb that is known for its aphrodisiac properties and is used as a remedy for various health issues like ear infections. This NeuroRise dietary supplement ingredient also has antiviral properties which could prevent your ears from any kind of bacterial and viral infections. As it is an aphrodisiac, it can be used to increase sexual desire. This herb has many other health benefits such as boosting your mental clarity and treating depression and anxiety. 
  • Muira Puama: Muira Puama is a plant that is found in the Amazon rainforest and is an herbal medicine that helps treat various health conditions. This herb supports healthy hearing and prevents any damage that causes to inner ear cells. Muira Puama contains many active compounds that help improve hearing loss and has been proven through many clinical studies. 
  • Ginkgo: Ginkgo is a herb that is most commonly used in most dietary supplements as it has a wide range of health benefits. It can improve the blood circulation to your inner ears which may prevent ear damage from loud noises and other trauma.

    By increasing the blood flow to the inner ear, Ginkgo protects the delicate hair cells inside the ear. These cells play a crucial role in converting sound waves into electrical energy. Ginkgo can be used to treat ear disorders like tinnitus and ear imbalance. This NeuroRise ingredient provides protection against free radicals and increases blood circulation to the inner ear.  
  • Asian Ginseng: Scientific research suggests that Ginseng has a potential effect for preventing ears from certain conditions. Ginseng helps improve hearing in aged people who suffer from age-related hearing loss.

    It can improve the hearing threshold in people suffering from sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. Ginseng also provides protection to the nervous system and prevents degenerative brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.   
  • Saw Palmetto: Saw Palmetto has anti-inflammatory properties that potentially benefit your ear health. So it can reduce inflammation in the body which helps to improve ear health.

    Saw Palmetto is good for treating enlarged prostate glands, chronic pelvic pain, and many other medical conditions. Research suggests that it contains compounds that help to increase testosterone levels and improve urinary tract function.
  • Cayenne: As per studies and research, Cayenne is traditionally used to alleviate ear infections. It is also able to alleviate joint pain, improve digestion, and boost metabolism. Cayenne contains nutrients that help with the proper functioning of your immune system, and reproduction, and strengthens your bone. It is rich in Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, and magnesium which provides pain relief and regulated blood glucose levels. 
  • Oat straw: Oat straw is known to have various potential health benefits and is most commonly used to support your brain functions, boost immunity, and improve skin texture. It can support your ear’s health because of its antioxidant property. Oat straw also strengthens your nervous system, reduces depression and anxiety, and provides mental clarity. 
  • Additionally, the NeuroRise hearing support formula also includes ingredients such as vitamin E, Niacin, Epimedium, Tribulus, Catuaba, and Inosine that support ear health.

Are NeuroRise Capsules Safe To Use?

NeuroRise is an all-natural formula that contains 100% safe ingredients proven to improve all ear-related issues. Each of the NeuroRise ingredients is subjected to multiple clinical trials and has proven its efficiency.

The revolutionary hearing support pill has been formulated after 8 years of research by a team of dedicated scientists and medical professionals since the supplement includes plant-based ingredients that are completely safe to consume, any NeuroRise customers aren’t at any risk of side effects.  

However, some users have experienced mild side effects such as upset stomach, headache, nausea, and dizziness. Also, the supplement is not recommended for children below 18 years, pregnant and lactating ladies. If you are under any treatment or have any medical condition, seek medical advice before taking the NeuroRise ear health capsules.

Benefits Of NeuroRise

The key benefits of NeuroRise hearing support supplement are:

  • Supports hearing health: NeuroRise is a dietary supplement that contains scientifically proven ingredients that can help supports healthy hearing.
  • Protects against oxidative stress: Most of the ingredients included in NeuroRise pills have antioxidant properties that help protect your inner ear from oxidative stress and hair cells from damage.
  • Improves blood circulation: NeuroRise ear support supplement can help improve blood circulation to the inner ear which can support healthy hearing.
  • Enhances cognitive functions: Apart from supporting healthy hearing, NeuroRise can also sustain memory formation and maintain mental acuity.
  • Improve nerve function: It can help improve the functioning of nerves and muscles in your ear which supports the proper functioning of your auditory system.

Expected Drawbacks Of NeuroRise Ear Health Supplement

  • As per the NueroRise reviews,some users reported that they felt mild side effects such as dizziness and headache after using the NeuroRise ear health supplement
  • The supplement is only available to purchase from its official website and is not available to purchase from any retail stores or other eCommerce websites.

How Much Is The Right NeuroRise Dosage?

The NeuroRise manufacturer recommends taking two capsules daily with water to get the best results. But do not exceed the recommended NeuroRise dosage as it may increase the risk of side effects.

The supplement is not intended for use by children under the age of 18. Also, if you are pregnant, taking any medications, or have any serious medical conditions, then consult a healthcare provider before using any dietary supplement. 

However, the manufacturer recommends taking the supplement for around two to three months to get the exact result of NeuroRise. The results may vary from one person to another. Most of the customers reported that they got results within a few weeks. Anyways, it’s better to take the supplement for the recommended time period, which is 2 to 3 months consistently.

Also, the manufacturer assures that the results that you get will last for around 1 to 2 years. You can continue taking NeuroRise capsules even after 3 months as a dietary supplement to get a long-lasting result.

Since the revolutionary hearing support formula contains natural ingredients, it wouldn’t cause any harm to your health. So it is safe to consume even after you get the exact result. But be aware that you shouldn’t exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.  

When Should The NeuroRise Natural Supplement Be Used?

NeuroRise is an ear health supplement that can be used as a dietary supplement that supports healthy hearing. So the supplement is highly recommended for those individuals who are at risk of hearing loss due to aging or other factors.

NeuroRise capsules can be consumed on a daily basis as a dietary supplement and are proven to be beneficial for those people who are exposed to loud noises and those who work in noisy environments. Nuerorise auditory support formula is easy to take. It can be used by anyone and everyone who wants to support their auditory health. 

NeuroRise supplement facts

How Much Does NeuroRise Ear Health Supplement Cost?

Different packages, offers, and discounts are available on the official website of NeuroRise natural supplement. Some of the packages now available to purchase on the website are:

  • 30-day supply – $69 per bottle + shipping fee
  • 90-day supply – $59 per bottle, free shipping
  • 180-day supply – $49 per bottle, free shipping

All these discount packages are only available to access through the NeuroRise official website Along with these discounts and offers, the manufacturer also provides two free bonuses the 90-day supply package and the 180-day supply package.

Also, there are no hidden charges or fees while you purchase through the NeuroRise official website. Apart from that, there is no shipping fee for the 90-day supply package and 180-day supply package.  

Click This Link For Purchasing NeuroRise dietary supplement From The OFFICIAL WEBSITE

Where To Buy NeuroRise Supplement?

NeuroRise dietary supplement is only available to purchase from its official website. The supplement is not available from any retail stores or through any third-party websites.

As of now, the manufacturer is selling the original formula through their website only. But it’s noticed that some retailers and fraudulent are selling imitated versions of NeuroRise with the same likeness through some third-party websites.

Discounts On NeuroRise

Limited time discounts only for painpathways readers.

Keep in mind that if you have seen any sellers selling NeuroRise through any other websites or in retail shops, they might not be the original NeuroRise ear support formula. Consuming these replicas of NeuroRise capsules might affect your health adversely and deceive your money. 

So to ensure that you are purchasing the original formula of NeuroRise ear health formula, place your order through the official NeuroRise website itself. Also, purchasing NeuroRise supplements from the official website helps you to access the free bonuses offered by the manufacturer, their money-back guarantee, and many discount packages available on their website.  

NeuroRise Bonuses

The manufacturer offers two free bonuses along with the NeuroRise supplement. Purchasing a 90-day package or 180-day package from the official website of NeuroRise provides instant access to the following digital bonuses offered by the manufacturer.

Free bonus #1: Hear like a pro Pdf guide

Hear Like a Pro is an award-winning ebook that you will get as a free bonus along with a NeuroRise ear health supplement. This pdf guide helps you to discover the techniques that unlock your inner ears and support healthy hearing.

Free bonus #2: Powerful ways to sharpen your memory

This is another award-winning blueprint that you will get as a free bonus along with a NeuroRise ear health pill. The techniques that you discover inside this ebook help you make the most of your natural brain power. It also helps you to enjoy the tranquil pleasures and sharpens your memory.

NeuroRise Bonuses

Is There A Money-back Guarantee On The Website?

Yes, the NeuroRise manufacturer provides a 100% satisfaction guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results. So if you haven’t got the desired results after consuming the NeuroRise capsules, then you can claim all your money back within 60 days of purchase.

Just send an email to the manufacturer and you will get the full refund within two days without any questions asked. That is, you won’t lose even a single penny by giving NeuroRise supplement a try.  

Final Verdict On NeuroRise Reviews

After a thorough analysis of the NeuroRise ear health supplement, the supplement seems to be legit and safe to use. The formula is backed with clinically and scientifically proven ingredients that have the potential to support healthy hearing and improve cognitive health.

When we conclude this NeuroRise review, each and every ingredient included in the supplement are carefully selected based on scientific research and are all-natural. So it is safe for use by any individuals over the age of 18. 

NeuroRise has many benefits including that it can support proper functioning of the auditory system, improve blood circulation, and reduce age-related hearing loss.

Most of the users have reported that they got desired results from using the NeuroRise supplement. Although, the result might vary from one person to another.

Also, the manufacturer offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee for those who are not satisfied with the results. That is, the manufacturer is confident enough about the results of NeuroRise.    

Click Here To Buy NeuroRise Supplement From The OFFICIAL WEBSITE With A 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can use the NeuroRise ear health supplement?

NeuroRise ear health formula can be used by anyone and everyone over the age of 18 who want to support their auditory health. It is advised to seek medical help or advice if you are having any serious medical condition before taking NeuroRise or any other dietary supplements. 

2. Are there any dietary restrictions that I should follow while taking NeuroRise?

There are no dietary restrictions or plans while taking NeuroRise ear support supplement You can take it as per the instructions regularly as a dietary supplement. However, it is better to follow a healthy balanced diet to get faster and long-lasting results.

3. Are the capsules vegan-friendly?

NeuroRise capsules are vegan-friendly, gluten-free, soy-free, and non-GMO. The supplement is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility and does not contain any artificial additives. So it is safe to consume and does not cause any risks to your health.  

4. How long does NeuroRise take to show exact results?

NeuroRise hearing support supplement shows exact results within 2 to 3 months of continuous usage. That’s why the manufacturer recommends you take the supplement for at least 90 days. Taking the supplement as per the instructions and guidelines provided by the manufacturer for the recommended time period helps to get long-lasting results.   

5. How long do the results last?

The result that you get might last for around 1 to 2 years. The longevity of the result depends on several factors such as consistency in taking supplements, your daily lifestyle, etc. Since it is a dietary supplement, you can continue taking NeuroRise even after getting the desired result. So continuing the supplement consistently after 3 months gives results that last more than 2 years.


Dr. Edward Zelman

Dr. Edward Zelman

Dr. Edward Zelman works as a Neurologist with the expertise of over 15 years, helping more than thousands to get back in complete health through his research-proven treatments. He earned his Masters from Harvard University and completed his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Dr. Edward Zelman is one of the notable names in the medical industry for his work in pain management, chronic disorder, and so on. He is also a former faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). At present, Dr. Edward Zelman is researching safe and effective natural remedies that can restore as well as maintain the youthful functioning of the body.

View All By Dr. Edward

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